Our Mission

Nissi Minstries is an environment of grace and truth started by an individual. It's a missionary society with one great and over riding passion that God's Name be great among the Nations and the Lamb receive the full reward for His suffering. We find our greatest purpose and constant motivaion for missions in God, His commitment to His own glory, and our God given desire to see his christ worshipped in every nation, tribe people and language.

We are a simple fellowship of belivers garthered together wiht a common interest and calling to labour. in the great commission we have no purpose for self promotion and have no ambition except that of obeying the lord's will although we have ex[erienced a good measure of god's blessing in our endeavours, we are not indispensable to the growth of his kingdom.

Presently, most of god's people are spirtually stuck, running in place expending a lot of energy but gettting now here fast some are painfully aware of their struggles and years to be free from the guilt, shame anxiety, fear, abuse and addictions that are suffocating their soulothers are largely clueless even complacent about their struggles haveing accepted as normal a subnormal life in christ, where faith is lived out on sunday mornings but is largely irrelevant the rest of the week.

Believers aneed help to "lay aside every encumbrqance and the sin that so easily entangles them so that they can run with endurance the race set before them with their eyes firmly fixed on jesus. freedom is necessary for belivers in christ to becoming growinbg, fruifful disciples, but is the "missing ungeduient " in most christans lives jesus christ has come to bingnd up broken hearts and set captives free, to becomes growing fruitful disciples. followers of christ, make that "Abba! Father "! connection with god as father and win the spiritual battles for their minds .

believers who is truly passionate about the glory of god and confident in his sovereignty will not be unmoved by the billions of people in the world who have yet to hear the gospel of jesus christ, if we are truly christ like, the lost multitude of humanity will move us to compassion,even to great sorrow and unceasing grief. The sincerity of our christion confession should be questioned if we are not willing to do alll willing to do all within our means to make christ known among the nations and to endure all things for the sake of gods'elect.

As christians, we are called, commissioned and commanded to lay down our lives so that the gospel might bepreached to every creature under heaven.Second only to loving god, this is to be our magnificent objession.There is no nobles task for which we may give our lives than promoting the glory of god in the redemption of jesus christ .if the christioan is truly obedient to the great cimmission is truly obedient to the great commission. he will either give his life to go down into the well or to hold the ropw for those who go down . either way, the same radical commitment is required. While we recognize that the needs of mankind are many and his sufferings are divers, we belives that they alll spring from a common origin the radical depravity of his heart, his enemity toward go, and his rejection of truth .

therefore, we belive that the greatest benefit to manking can be accomplisrhed through the preacting of the gospel and the establishment of branches that procliam the full counsel of god's word and minister according to its commands precepts and wisdom such a work connot be accomplished through the arm of the flesh . but onlu through the supernatural providence of god and the means which he has ordained. biblical preaching intercessory prayer. scrifical sevice.

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